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Economic Development Strategy: About
Economic Development Strategy: Text

Regional Policy Development

Position: Planning & Development Department Director

Funding Organization: Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC


Direct Report: William Murdock, MORPC Executive Director

Project Duration: 12 Months

Project Location: City of Gahanna, Ohio


Project Summary: The MORPC Public Policy Agenda (2019-2020) reflects the diverse needs and interests of the region’s cities, townships, counties, villages, and regional organizations within Central Ohio.  This public policy agenda details actions and policies that are used by local governments to inform and impact state and federal legislation and policies in order to improve Central Ohio’s future prosperity.  Elected leaders in Washington and Columbus are encouraged to work together to implement the recommendations in this agenda.


Project Deliverable:

The MORPC Public Policy Agenda identifies 4 Policy Goals for the Central Ohio.  These policy goals have specific targets in order to ensure successful implementation.  These policy goals are shown below. 


1.  Regionalism: Promote regionalism at the local, state and federal levels of government fostering economic growth, prosperity, efficient use of resources and a high quality of life for Central Ohio Residents.


2.  Transportation: Achieve an advanced, inclusive and exceptional transportation system that connects Central Ohio's people and products to the world.


3.  Sustainability: Pursue sustainability solutions that protect and conserve our natural resources and promote a diverse supply of clean, affordable and reliable sources of energy for growing region.


4.  Data and Digital Infrastructure: Promote effective data policies and the equitable deployment of digital infrastructure that benefit Central Ohio Communities.

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