Our Projects
Sustainable Planning
Investment Promotion

Chinese Foreign Direct Investment Plan
Participated in three trade delegations to 12 cities within China in order to encourage business executives from multiple companies within the automotive, advanced manufacturing, medical technology, e-commerce and logistics industries to make significant investments in Central Ohio.

Subnational Government Relationship Building
Participated in three trade delegations to 12 cities within China in order to encourage business executives from multiple companies within the automotive, advanced manufacturing, medical technology, e-commerce and logistics industries to make significant investments in Central Ohio.
Private Sector Development

Private Sector Engagement
Led a 4-year project to create and implement a program to proactively engage SMEs, encourage investment opportunities, assist with regulatory approvals and provide business development services. The results include 282 SMEs visited, 14 capital investment projects, $62 million invested and 1,822 jobs created/retained.

Business Enabling Environment Strategies
Improved the regulatory environment by completing multiple projects that resulted in a 30% reduction in construction permit approval process; the modification of 139 zoning regulations based on private sector feedback; and the creation of industry supported ICT policies that encourage systematic investment in 5G telecommunication infrastructure.
Revenue Mobilization
Capacity Building

Open Data Strategy
Chaired a regional task to create this Open Data Strategy. It required extensive deliberation between public, private, non-profit and higher education stakeholders to determine the needs of the community. It established a regional governance strategy that creates best practices in data storage, collection and dissemination.

Chamber of Commerce Development
Led a 6-week project that created a Membership Management Strategy for 3 Chapters of the Tanzanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. It required 12 facilitated meetings and 3 training sessions and resulted in a comprehensive organizational strategy that addressed communication, event planning, social media, women and youth programming and fundraising activities.

Revenue Enhancement Plan
Led a 1-month project to create Revenue Enhancements Plans for 3 local governments in Zanzibar that included public engagement, environmental assessments, data analysis, strategy development and financial forecasts to guide effective revenue mobilization.